Bringing diagnosis at the bed-site of critically ill patients to improve their quality of life
The Risks of Delaying Patient Dosage Adjustment.
Patient’s dosage adjustment is crucial in emergency cases where the drug concentration should be quantified in minutes, but the conventional analytical techniques for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in hospitals provide results in hours or days, risking the patient's life.
A Breakthrough in Drug Quantification.
In Fluilux we develop a first in-class, highly flexible, fast and cost-effective device, based on advanced spectroscopy and integrated microfluidics, to perform drug quantification in samples of critically ill patients.
Step 1
Loading of the patient’s sample in the microfluidic cartridge
Step 2
In situ disc rotation, drug separation and trapping in the nanostructured substrate
Step 3
Substrate scanning, data collection and analysis
Step 4
Quantification results about the drug concentration with digital interface to help doctor’s decision
Automated Clinical Platform for Personalized Antibiotherapy in Critical Units Based on Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. (ACU-SERS).
Novel and integrated technology
Our device is made of an integrated benchtop analyzer with a digital interface for quick drug analysis results.
Compact design
The benchtop system is compact (25 x 35 x 30 cm3) and light (~7 Kg), containing a miniaturized Raman spectrometer, a microfluidic platform with integrated nanostructured substrates, and a motor to spin the cartridge.
Non need of markers or labeling on the singing element.
Rapid results
Our system can provide quantitative drug content in a biological sample within ~15 min.
Easy to operate
Sample preparation and analysis are fully automated, it does not require skilled technicians, reducing human error.
Each cartridge can be used to run multiple samples in parallel (up to 8).
The same cartridge and analyzer design can be used across multiple drugs.
Our design can be coupled with connectivity to Laboratory Information Systems (LIS), facilitating clinical flows.
Testing for antibiotics in critically ill patients in the ICU is an area where a fast and low-complexity platform like yours could add significant value.
Jason Roberts, PhD, Professor
Centre for Clinical Research. University of Queensland, Australia
With the specifications for your platform, major companies in the TDM field could have an interest in becoming a partner.
Teun van Gelder, MD, Professor
Clinical Pharmacology. Leiden University Medical Center Leiden, The Netherlands and Former president of the International Association of TDM and Clinical Toxicology (IATDMCT)
To ensure that TDM is feasible and can deliver personalized antibiotic dosing schemes, a point-of-care device is needed to provide answers around-the clock.
Anders Perner, PhD, Professor
Department of Intensive Care, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No 101158666.